- Keep seat belts fastened at all times.
- Keep helmet on and fastened at all times.
- Keep feet and hands inside kart at all times.
- Loose clothing must be secure.
- Long hair must be tied up above shoulders.
- If your kart spins or stops, use reverse button or raise your hand for track marshal assistance.
- As you receive your white flag and complete last lap, enter pit lane slowly and follow marshal signals.
- Volt raceway is a non contact sport and has a zero tolerance policy.
- No bumping, no blocking and no cutting off.
- No reckless driving or horseplay.
- Junior kart drivers must be 48” in height (120cm).
- Adult kart drivers must be 52” in height (130cm).
- All racers must sign waiver and release of liability form.
- Racers under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian sign a waiver and release of liability form.
- No cash refund of race ticket - credit only.
- Volt raceway has a zero tolerance policy regarding alcohol or drug abuse, if a driver appears to be under the influence you will not be permitted to race.
- Do not drive if you: have a heart condition, back or neck pain, ailment, current injury or you are pregnant.
- Stay in kart at all times.
- Smoking is not permitted.
- Obey track marshals.
Failure to obey these rules, may result in removal from the race without refund or credit.